Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Birth Photography

Along the route of my obsessive baby-related research, I stumbled upon the website of a "birth photographer". My initial reaction was something along the lines of "Why would I want yet another complete stranger in the room while giving birth, taking photos of my makeup-free face and sweaty  hair while I'm naked, screaming, and possibly covered in various bodily fluids? How is that a good idea?"

But after scrolling though a few dozen pages of incredible images capturing emotional moments between mother and partner, mother and doula, parents and new baby. They were breathtakingly beautiful and surprisingly modest and tasteful.

Take a look at some of these gorgeous moments in time:

Check out for even more awesome photos.

I think I might have changed my mind about birth photography. While I'm still not sold on the idea of a complete stranger photographing my births, I'm thinking about asking my extremely talented best friend who also photographed my wedding. I'm comfortable around her already, so it wouldn't add stress to have her in the room.

What about you? What do you think of the concept of birth photography? Is it something you would do?

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